Why the ramadan 30.


because i am a writer first before anything else.

because the love that i wrote on the mirror, it got smeared.

On august 10, 2010 a beautiful young brotha decided he would write the poems along with his usual fasting for Ramadan. And since the first 30/30 was suggested by me and he followed, I must now take up pen and follow him. The concept of a poetry challenge is nice, but coupled with Ramadan, my challenge is wide. See, every piece of work will be loosely based around my ex-husband (*gasp!* i know.)…and its only right because when I think of Ramadan I think of him. Being young and in love wanting to fast for Ramadan and wanting to learn more about his faith because, the rest of my life would be shared with these religious beliefs and traditions. Id be entrenched in them because of my love for him. So I write. Because I know no other way.

The blog?

The last 30/30 challenge I posted every day on facebook notes. Everyone could just click on the page and read but this time I want something different. I am aiming to be more intimate in my writing this time around. I’m not saying I am going to write some personal things but I mean I want some space just for me, so that if you actually read these pieces it is because you made a conscious choice to share in my thoughts by coming to the blog.

The point?

to challenge self. to translate hostage held love. and then turn it into a production/book/probably something of use for the film we working on :-)
hope you enjoy the 30 day journey <3